Dear Sir, Joseph "John" Merrick,
How are you fine sir? Tis been a fine year indeed,
wouldn't you say? The early spring blooms and the
cool crisp summer eves and all... Now, I know we
haven't spoken in some time, but it just appeared
to me that I have a good gentleman friend who's
heart suffers the same anomalies as you.
His heart is well, deformed and unable to speak
clearly often things come out slurred, or corse
and unrefined, perhaps even violent. Not that
this is any concern of yours. Though he too feels
less then human, yet simultaneously exploited
for his most tender of actions. I guess, my good
friend, the reason I have written this letter is to let
you know, although your now diminished to only
bone on display, for these turn of the century voyeurist.
You are not alone, some of us know, that even though
your hideously disfigured that ultimately, we have
each otherand that is more pure then all the
flawless aesthetic beauty in the world...
captain badheart