Frued noted the case of St. Anthony as a typical case of repression.
A hermit that travelled out to the desert .
for 13 years he anguished in that desert
in fight with Beelzebub
who inflicted unspeakable tortures
boredom, laziness, and the phantoms of women.
to deal with such things, Anthony cast himself into
an empty tomb
terrified of the demon and devout to god
when he released him self the devil beat him
until his fist were
drenched in anthony's blood.
The saint took refuge alone again,
now in a deserted romans bath house
another 20 years did this battle rage
The Devil struck at him with snakes, scorpions, wolves, and wild beast
Then he opened the door and proclaimed
"If thou had any power over me,
just one would suffice to destroy"
he then walked out of that desert and went to Alexandria
and succeeded in his intent to be martyred for his beliefs