though a man had seen shown through that in accordance to your kitsch more is needed like nature to accept also what was thought as to not have a place.
post modern verse
Watching the show but through the human Based on your kitch, In addition, natural and requires In addition, no convincing I do not have a place.
Though we are born with more then we ever thought we should have desire even in the most pure of thoughts still leaves us to choice paths that will never find perfection
post modern verse
Notwithstanding, we are born with the Then we also require far But most thought pure motivation Which still leaves us to choose the path To find the perfect
we are not so different from those few who flutter around in a drunk amazement of cordial and standard games why is it he who innovates on these weak lines is for her generation ostracized
post modern verse
We are not so different They flutter from some people Around drunk with surprise From the heart, the standard game Why he is on What is innovation These weak lines of her Outcast generation
Each of us deciphers lifes uneasy lawlessness with an idea of self proclamation but to what sense can you help to not notice you have become more of a victim then a savior
post modern verse
Decoding of each of us Fear lawlessness still life The idea of self-declaration But you can help you mean? Is you do not notice Further details of the victims of the Messiah
today you can realize that with the idea that what surrounds you is new and you have equal chances to loose your fingers in a freak accident or have more money then you ever desired
post modern verse
Today can be achieved The idea is What new things around Then, with equal opportunities To give the finger in an accident and chance What, you have far more money and hope