There once was a shining young prince.
so beautiful was he, he saw beauty in all.
The mere smile of a coy pale girl would
flutter his heart so violently he would burst running,
taking flight in tragic joy .
tears would drip on his face as he stared into gray skies
tears would drip on his face as he brushed his hand past a girls waist.
all he knew was beauty.
then one day with out ritual, staring at a pale rose he
watched a tear drip down into the stream, bluer then
the water it stared back at him, his heart knew a new
feeling from this.
He knew soon, he would loose all he loved, he would
have totake to the sea, being distance from the now
fog tinted lights.
often scared
often nervous
often anxious
he could now unlike before feel his body decay
feel his minds ridges, see in duality.
Each of these sapphire tears was named anxiety
and he wanted nothing more but to return
towards the nostalgic beauty.
on a vessel staring directly into the light
he drips deep tears chanting in foreign tongue.
please return.
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