C. G. Jung said
"its not important what we believe just that we believe."
recently i believe i should join the airforce.
with a belief in a new vedic belief

fly a plan, kill a man, fight for something i don't believe in.
to better understand my belief. whitman did it, so did
hemingway, disney, jarrell, stienbeck, etc.
you know the american minds/authors that worn't crap.
i mean im not quit able to sit on a beach in front of
mount etna with my fellow apprentice nude behind
roman robe debating the arcane ideas of pre-socratic
philosophy letting my locks tangle in the
warm Sicilian breeze.

no my life is much more metaphoric of chthonian zeus
raping his daughter. perceived as animalistic, callus,
and bad-hearted, but workingfor a greater acquisition
so i should take the sky and strike with a vengeance
not because I believe thats the right thing to do.
but because i dont believe in much.
those i fight i do not hate those i guard i do not love just a lonely impulse of delight driving me to this tumult in the clouds
i found this, I believe it's a very good idea but you should invest in blizzard so you can have some nest eggs in a few years if you don't get killed by wars
yeats!!!!!! yes!!!
and yes vEEna, i will diversify my blog and build more nest...
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