i quit smoking
i take a weird pleasure in masochistic pain, smoking was on on a short list of things i love.
so i decided i should stop , it makes me feel very catholic .

i think being tied up and placed in a box sounds really nice, comply out of control unable to move
unaloud to make the decisions.
no anxiety
because you have no control.
most of my anxiety is lacking confidence because i have such a large amount of options.
but if some one tied me up and put me in a box i wouldnt have any options
i wouldnt have to contemplate worth depth meaning
they would be determined
i am the contents of a box, nothing more, nothing less.
you put things in box's because you want to keep them, they have determined value
maybe there not needed daily but there never forgotten.
of course a allodoxaphobic point of view is always bias
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