If you read up about what keeps couples married its
a matching of neurosis
if you read nietzsche he says once you have reached
the leave of super man your realize that what love is
is embracing that which is essentially a flaw in some one.
this movie was amazing, a lonely dirty broken robot
its sums up alot of good points on over consumption
trust in brands, the melding of brands and government.
the most important to me was the commentary on erasing
of personality, growth, and man made mistake.
i mean this new hip hop is discussing to me,
first you got rid of drums
then you got rid off writing music at all (sampling..)
now you dont even have to sing, make sure it all
sounds the same, run it through a processor
its like the high fructose corn syrup of the music
(and i know you hipsters listen/dance it it "ironically"...)
here is a lonely dirty robot who helps.
this is the vegetables of music
i love vegetables
fuck corn syrup and surf culture.
having fun killing your selfz!!!!!!
I can't believe you saw Wall-E without me :(
i went by my self
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